compare holiday deals and offersthe best way to compare holiday deals

Compare Holiday Deals And Offers

Take a little time to compare holiday deals and offers, and you’ll usually be amazed at the savings you’ll make.

To make your search easier, here are a selection of our “Insider Tips” to help you compare holiday deals and get the right holiday for a lot less than you’d expect.

Is It Difficult To Compare Holiday Deals Yourself?

Not at all. In fact, it’s really quite easy. But remember that as you start to compare holidays you’ll probably see lots of similar holiday deals and it’s very easy to become confused.

To make your search a lot easier when you compare holiday deals, be sure to keep a pen and paper next to the computer. As you come across good deals or websites, make a note so you can easily find them again later. This is really important, as after a while, most holiday websites start looking exactly the same as one another!

Inside Tips To Help You Compare Holiday Deals

  • Buy Online. If you want the best deals, always compare holiday deals and buy your holiday online. Don’t be tempted to use a ‘high street’ travel agent. Remember that travel agents get paid a commission when they sell holidays. If you buy your holiday online you’ll save a lot more money, as you aren’t paying for all the expensive overheads that most ‘high street’ travel agents have.
  • Avoid Busy Periods. At certain times of the year (like during school holidays) holiday prices sky-rocket. If you can travel outside these busy periods, you’ll get the same holiday for a fraction of the price. It’s also a wise idea to make sure there are no special events, festivals or public holidays occurring in the place that you intend visiting as you compare holiday deals – as these can also cause prices to rise through the roof.
  • Be Flexible. When it comes to travelling, you’d be amazed at how much you can save by being a little flexible on your dates and times. Often, if you can leave from a different airport or fly at night, you’ll get a far better deal on your holiday – so be sure to check when you compare holiday deals and offers. You may find it helpful to telephone a few holiday companies and ask them.
  • Ask For Discounts. Even when you buy your own holiday online, the holiday company will still usually make a profit of around 20% to 25% of the holiday’s total price. So when you compare holiday deals and find your ideal holiday, don’t be afraid to phone up and see if a better discount is available if you buy there and then – as it usually is!
  • Check A Few Different Companies. You’ll be amazed how much holiday prices vary between different companies when you start to compare holiday deals online. Be sure to ‘shop around’ and visit a few websites to compare holiday deals before booking to get the lowest rates.
  • Consider Late Deals. If you can travel at short notice, you’ll benefit from enormous savings – it’s not unusual to get a last minute break for anything up to 80% off the brochure prices. Try to always include late deals in your search when you compare holiday deals if at all possible.
  • Look At A Few Different Hotels. Some hotels are more popular than others, and so will charge higher rates. As most hotels offer virtually identical facilities, always check out the other hotels in the same area when you compare holiday deals to see if there are any major price differences.
  • Pay By Credit Card If You Can. If you buy a holiday using your credit card, you’ll get extra protection if the holiday company goes bust or there are any problems with your holiday. Better still, many credit cards also offer ‘cashback’ on purchases – so you’ll save even more money.
  • Compare Holiday Deals For All-Inclusive Packages. In some Countries, the cost of food, drinks and entertainment can be very expensive. All-Inclusive packages include these things within the holiday price, which could save you a small fortune in the long run – even though the holiday price may initially look slightly more expensive. If in doubt, just type something like “how much is a meal in Turkey” into a search engine to find out how expensive it is to stay there.

So there you have a small selection of our more popular tips which will help you to save time, money and stress when you compare holiday deals. If you’d like a few more “Insider Tips” to help you compare holiday deals and discounts, you can find them here.

Or why not just start off by visiting a few holiday websites and see what deals are available? You’ll be amazed at the savings you’ll make when you start to compare holiday deals and packages. Have fun with your holiday hunt!